By checking your interplay settings file into your code repo, you can call the Interplay CLI as part of your CI process.

For example, here is a Github Actions workflow file to automatically update reactstrap's components in Interplay each time there is a commit to the 'main' branch.

It makes use of the INTERPLAY_TOKEN auth key which is available in your project settings in Interplay.

name: Interplay CLI
      - main
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: "Checkout"
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: "Setup Node.js"
        uses: actions/setup-node@v1
          node-version: 12.x

      - name: "Install deps"
        run: yarn
      - name: "Install CLI"
        run: npm install -g @interplay/cli @interplay/cli-plugin-react

      - name: "Run CLI"
        run: interplay
          INTERPLAY_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.INTERPLAY_TOKEN }}

We will add more examples here for other CI tools - please contact us with any questions you have.


During the deploy process, the newly generated configuration is compared with the existing configuration and the changes will be saved as a new commit. You can see what has changed in each commit in the version history tab.

Commits are like checkpoints in the history of your library that allow you to view the changes in your code library over time.

Changes and Overrides

If you have previously created configuration overrides in Interplay then these overrides will be preserved during the update, unless the code has also changed for the overridden property value.

In those cases where both the code and configuration have been changed, 'code wins'.